May 8th- May 12th

May 10th,

Today started off pretty well. we went up to Shelby Township to do a weekly clean on Stoney Creek. We cleaned up and down the banks of Stoney Creek, picking up a lot of trash. We found a lot of buckets, tires, metal pipes, wooden pallets, and food wrappers. My co-worker and I, along with our supervisor got into the creek to remove a man-made bridge. I was amazed at how some people in our community have little regard to what their bridge may have caused. Luckily with the help of township hall, the owners of the bridge agreed to us taking down the bridge to restore healthy water levels. I was also amazed about how many people were wanting to help with the cleanup.

After having lunch my co-worker and I started preparing for our presentations at the upcoming water festivals. To be honest I am nervous for these festivals. I have bad social anxiety and if you have ever experienced social anxiety you are afraid of how people will think of you, you constantly worry about who is judging you. This anxiety is pretty rough but I get through it like a champ. Part of my road to recovery is to push myself outside of my comfort zone and learn it is not all that bad.

May 12th,

Well, today started out by going to a site that some trees were blocking the Clinton River. from 9:40 am until 1ish we helped a team of volunteers clean and remove the trees from blocking the public from canoeing and kayaking that stretch of the Clinton.  I want to say we picked up seven total bags of trash which included: water bottles, liquor bottles, baby shoes, Styrofoam cups, lacrosse balls, and candy wrappers.  Now I don't know if all this trash was brought down by the Clinton or if people hiking the mini trail left the trash. To be honest, I could care less about who or what left the trash I am glad I cleaned it up and prevented any wildlife from hurting themselves.

(photos above were taken by my co-worker)

After the woody debris clean up several of my co-workers and I went to Oakland University to complete an adopt a stream site. Luckily we had the help from an Engineer professor and his three interns, we taught them how to use the d-nets and which bugs were which. I officially did my first set of paperwork for the adopt a stream. I took all of the measurements needed, I drew a map of the stretch of stream we took samples from and wrote down any invasive species that were found near or next to the stream.

This week seemed to be pretty laid back, I love working here at the CRWC and I love working with the people I work with.


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