June 12- June 18

June 14th, Today was another weekly cleanup, my favorite part of it was that I got to Kayak for the first time. There was nothing too special about this cleanup since there wasnt too much trash, maybe 10 pounds worth. We did get rained on so after the cleanup there were not a lot for us to do besides take innovatory. June 15th, Today had to be the most fun I have had in this internship. The bugs we collected a few weeks ago from the Avon Creek, we got to I.D. them down to the last detail. This actually boosted my confidence in knowing my bugs. After Identifying the bugs we actually went out into the field and completed three Road Stream Crossing sites. My supervisor got to hold a frog while the interns were collecting the data needed. It was pretty neat how the frog didnt want to move from his hand. June 16th, ...